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4rd grade students

(Part two)

The frog said to Nadia, “I must sit next to you. Put me on this chair.” Nadia did so. Then the frog said, “Now put a golden plate near me. I must eat out of it.” The frog ate the food and said again, “Now I am tired. Take me to your room. I want to sleep.” Nadia shivered when she touched the frog, but she took the frog to her room and put it on her snow-white pillow. Soon the frog fell asleep. It woke up early in the morning, hopped off pillow and went out of the palace. Nadia didn’t sleep all night. Now she was happy. “I shall not be troubled by it again,” she thought. But when the night came the princess heard the same noise on the stairs and the same tap at the door. The same voice said, “Open the door, you must keep your promise!”
When Nadia opened the door the frog hopped into the room.
Again it sat next to Nadia, again it ate out of a golden plate and again it slept on her snow-white pillow. Early in the morning the frog hopped out of the palace.
On the third night the frog came once more. The next morning when Nadia looked at her pillow she didn’t see the ugly cold frog. There was a most handsome prince there! The prince said “A cruel fairy changed me into a frog and I could only become a prince again when a princess let me eat from a golden plate and sleep on her pillow for three days. Dear princess, you were so kind to me. You let me eat with you and sleep on your pillow, and I want to marry you and to take you to my father’s palace.” And he did so and they were happy all their life.

Answer the questions.

What was the first thing the frog asked for?

What was the second thing it asked for?

What was the third thing the frog asked the princess to do?

Where did the frog sleep?

What happened early in the morning?

How many times did the frog come to the palace?

What did Nadia fi nd after the third visit?

Complete the sentences.

  1. The frog said to Nadia, “I must sit next to you.”
  2. Nadia shiverd when she touched the frog.
  3. The frog slept on Nadia’s pillow
  4. Nadia didn’t sleep all night. She thought “I shall not be troubled by it again.”
  5. Early in the morning, the frog hopped out of the palace.
  6. The prince told Nadia, “A cruel  fairy changed me into a frog.”

Choose the correct word.

  1. The frog said “I must sit next to you.” (in front of, next to)
  2. Nadia shivered when she touched the frog. (touched, looked at)
  3. In the morning the frog hopped off the pillow and went out of the palace. (the
    table, the pillow)
  4. Nadia thought “I shall not be troubled by it again. (shall be, shall not be)
  5. On the third morning Nadia saw an ugly frog on her pillow. (an ugly frog, a
    handsome prince)
  6. A cruel fairy changed the prince into a frog. (kind, cruel)

Write sentences using the words below.
(Don’t forget to begin your sentences with capital letters.)

  1. next, sit, must, I, you, to.
  2. touched, Nadia, frog, when, shivered, she, the.
  3. slept, frog, on, pillow, Nadia’s, the.
  4. changed, into, cruel, fairy, frog, a, him, a
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ՈՒսումնական նախագիծ՝ Լեզվական նյութ (քերականական շաբաթ)

Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box below:

be — love — clean — have — meet — go — sleep — teach — learn — come

Mary (1) is a teacher. She (2) is French. The children (3) love her and they (4) le arn a lot from her. Mary (5) go es home at 3:00 and (6) has lunch. Then she sleeps(7)  for an hour. In the afternoon she (8) shopping or she (9)cleans her house. Sometimes she (10)meets her aunt and (11has tea with her. Every Sunday she (12) meets her friends.

2. Choose the correct item.

  • She drinks milk every morning.

A) drinks B) is drinking C) drink

  • We are going to the park now.

A) goes B) ae going C) go

  • The woman goes swimming now.

A) goes B) is going C) go

  • She often wears her red dress.

A) wears B) is wearing C) wear

  • Look! The cat is climbing up the tree.

A) climbs B) is climbing C) climb

  • John is walking to school now.

A) walks B) is walking C) walk

  • My cat usually sleeps by the fire.

A) sleep B) s sleeping C) sleeps

  • I am writing a letter at the moment.

A) write B) am writing C) is writing

  • They eat in a restaurant every Sunday.

A) eats B) are eating C) eat

  • Mother always cuts the grass.

A) cuts B) cut C) is cutting

Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or Simple Present.

  1. Listen! The birds are singing (sing) in the garden!
  2. I often buy (buy) fruit from the greengrocer’s.
  3. My mother is drinking (drink) tea now.
  4. Look at Tom and Jim! They is walking (walk) up the hill.
  5. That man is laugh (laugh) at the moment.
  6. The cat  is playing (play) with a ball now.
  7. We always wears (wear) warm clothes in winter.
  8. He often eats(eat) a sandwich at lunchtime.
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We read and learn.

a) many

many apples

many sweets

b) much

much juice

much coffee

a) many books, many friends, many rooms, many boys, many animals

b) much tea, much water, much bread, much butter, much money, much time

Answer the questions.

a) How many … ?

  1. How many sisters and brothers have you got? a brother and a sister
  2. How many rooms are there in your flat/house? three rooms
  3. How many classes have you got every day?one

b) How much … ?

  1. How much is the dress? five thousend dram
  2. How much are the shoes? ten thousend dram
  3. How much is the umbrella? two thosend dram

Fill in much / many.

  1. There are many pencils on the desk.
  2. There isn’t coffee in the cup.
  3. How many pupils are there in your class?
  4. How many is your new dress?
  5. How many time have you got to write all the exercises?

Learn the words.

a bottle of Coca-Cola

a loaf of bread

a pound of sugar

a box of sweets

2 bars of chocolate

Posted in Անգլերեն


Winter is the coldest season of the year. The sun comes out very late on winter mornings. It snows in winter. It is the children’s favourite time of the year. They like to be outdoors. They can play, skate, sled, make a snowman. It is a jolly season. People wear warm clothes like jumpers,  sweaters, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats and so on. The most favourite holidays are also in winter Christmas and New Year. Most animals sleep in winter- bears, hedgehogs, snakes, bats.

Անծանոթ բառեր

time- ժամանակ

sledge սահնակ, սահնակով գնալ


clothes- հագուստ

holiday-տոն, արձակուրդ

hedgehog- ոզնի


Կարդա և ընտրիր ճիշտ պատասխանը:

  1. It is cold in winter. 

a) hot

b) warm

c) cold

2.  It snows in winter 

a) summer

b) winter

c) spring

3. Where do the children like to be? outdoors

a) outdoors

b) indoors

c) at the sports ground

4. What clothes are winter clothes? gloves, jumpers, sweaters

a) shorts, sandals, T-shirts

b) gloves, jumpers, sweaters

c) raincoats, shoes, blouses

5. What animals go to sleep in winter? bears, snakes, bats

a) bears, snakes, bats

b) sheep, cows, pigs

c) lions, tigers, crocodiles

Do you like winter and why? Գրիր սիրում ես ձմեռ, ինչու, վերնագրիր այսպես` <<Winter>>


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My new year

My New Year I spend with my family.This year we spend New Year  with my newborn sister.We had a good time and memories,because we went to villige and spend Christmas with my grandfather,grandmather and aunts.We were dancing,singing,so it is a best New Year , I love this New Year and also my gift from Santa.

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New words:

to send-ուղարկել

a night- գիշեր

to celebrate- տոնել



Christmas Day-Սուրբ ծննդյան  օր


To buy-գնել

Christmas   presents-սուրբ ծննդյան նվերներ


Under   the tree-ծառի տակ

